Would have been awesome if they launched it with integrated CPUs like N100 or N305 in a compact board that would showcase some space saving and simplicity.Reply
The CPU mounting holes are blocking the CAMM2 module from being mounted closer. I wonder if an AM5 mounting pattern would be better? What the 4 standoffs around it? It looks like a heatsink could be mounted there, but the pegs are wide apart.Reply
I'm wondering how much placement on 1st gen products will matter though. Ironing out bugs in design and testing the water to determine market interest are probably the most important things. Besides that, isn't CAMM laptop-targeted as opposed to desktops? Pretty much everything in the PC space aside from GPUs are made for laptops (and SFF PCs) instead of desktops because that's where all the sales are in terms of volume so its really only a secondary thing, for testing, or an afterthought to make something that works for a desktop.Reply
DDR5 DIMM has signal integrity issues when 2/4 slots are populated. This happens because the open pins create noise when the signal bounces back. CAMM2 has no open pins, so theoretically DDR5 CAMM2 should clock faster or run at tighter timings at the same voltage. Placing it even closer to the socket would further improve signal integrity.Reply
With the new memory controllers supporting up to 192GB of RAM (4x48GB DIMMs), is there anything showing that LPCAMM2 or CAMM2 will support similar capacities?Reply
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Threska - Friday, May 24, 2024 - link
Interesting idea although I wonder how much more this new memory will cost considering people are already complaining about PC prices. Replypatel21 - Friday, May 24, 2024 - link
Would have been awesome if they launched it with integrated CPUs like N100 or N305 in a compact board that would showcase some space saving and simplicity. Replymeacupla - Friday, May 24, 2024 - link
The CPU mounting holes are blocking the CAMM2 module from being mounted closer. I wonder if an AM5 mounting pattern would be better?What the 4 standoffs around it? It looks like a heatsink could be mounted there, but the pegs are wide apart. Reply
PeachNCream - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - link
I'm wondering how much placement on 1st gen products will matter though. Ironing out bugs in design and testing the water to determine market interest are probably the most important things. Besides that, isn't CAMM laptop-targeted as opposed to desktops? Pretty much everything in the PC space aside from GPUs are made for laptops (and SFF PCs) instead of desktops because that's where all the sales are in terms of volume so its really only a secondary thing, for testing, or an afterthought to make something that works for a desktop. Replymeacupla - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - link
DDR5 DIMM has signal integrity issues when 2/4 slots are populated. This happens because the open pins create noise when the signal bounces back.CAMM2 has no open pins, so theoretically DDR5 CAMM2 should clock faster or run at tighter timings at the same voltage. Placing it even closer to the socket would further improve signal integrity. Reply
bananaforscale - Monday, June 10, 2024 - link
"The CPU mounting holes are blocking the CAMM2 module from being mounted closer." Those are cooler mounting holes. ReplyThe_General - Friday, May 24, 2024 - link
Maybe a backside mounted CAMM on miniITX? That would free up a lot of top side space if the MoBo standoffs allow clearance from the backplane. ReplyJames5mith - Friday, May 24, 2024 - link
With the new memory controllers supporting up to 192GB of RAM (4x48GB DIMMs), is there anything showing that LPCAMM2 or CAMM2 will support similar capacities? Replymeacupla - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - link
I've heard Micron is working on a 192GB module.Dell is looking at 256GB and 512GB modules, but details are unclear. Reply
Techie4Us - Monday, June 10, 2024 - link
Cammit, bammit, dammit...Bring it..... like, yesterday :D Reply